Silver Lake Love Community Closet Pops Up in Sunset Triangle

Los Angeles’ first Community Closet popped up in the Sunset Triangle this morning. There’s a portion of those on the streets who won’t accept clothing, even if they really need it, for a multitude of reasons. I experienced this first hand when a young girl, wearing nothing but a shirt, at one of our Make Someone Happy Hours refused to take a jacket. She was visibly shaking, but she said that if her boyfriend saw her taking clothes from us that she would be beaten. SO, this community closet helps to serve all the people who may be ashamed, embarrassed or otherwise can’t accept clothes in a normal matter. There’s no shame or judgements here at Silver Lake Love, just unconditional love, respect  and compassion for our fellow man and woman!

For all of those who are cold or in need. Feel free to tuck in whatever clean clothes you wish to donate or to take what you need if you are cold.

The community closet is located between Pine and Crane and Mornings Nights in Sunset Triangle. Sunset Blvd between Maltman Ave and Edgecliff Drive.

Stay tuned for more to come!